ABOUT THIS WORK /// This video was inspired by an urgent need to relieve my anxiety throughout 2020. I am a believer that we all need to come up with our own custom-made ways of calming down and treating our own mental health. I wanted to make my own version of a meditation guide that used known language of meditation techniques as a material itself. With this in mind I layer the audio from various YouTube meditation guides as if it were paint on a canvas and continuously abstract the words until they are unrecognizable. As the layers build so does a flurry of butterflies. As the audio and butterflies intensify the mood shifts from soothing to chaotic, thwarting the entire traditional trajectory of a meditation session... and yet it somehow concludes with breathwork and a seemingly relaxed state.
This is part of a larger video series entitled, ATTEMPTS TO HEAL: MY BODY(of)WORK.
NOTE: This video is designed to be played on a loop and projected on a white wall.
MEDITATION GUIDE FOR 2020 from Jeff Page on Vimeo.
Installation View