June 8, 2017

Just wrote about Why I rarely make serialized work for One Good Eye Online

May 19, 2017

"I'm interested in a position that is neither ironic nor analytical, but is about the strangeness of experience" - Amy Sillman

May 9, 2017

My current work is looking at the question- how can I use clothing as text and text as clothing?  This has come about after a few projects where I was looking at the form of a bow tie and exploring it's use as a metaphor for summarizing what something is "about"..."wrapping something up into a nice presentable image or product". I'm interested in extending this comparison between an article of clothing to the defining power of language beyond just bowties and beyond recognizable forms in general to see what language I can create.

May 8, 2017

Insist on multiplicity & steer against the linear

May 7, 2017

"...To prompt us to see a material or an object in a different way-- against or the side of its intended use - is a queer tactic"

"... queer / feminist art practices will hover over the thingness of the body as a way of exploring the weight and history of that body, as a way of exploring the politics of making bodies into things and things into bodies"

- Jennifer Doyle & David Getsy in conversation about Queer Formalism

January 30, 2017

"The fluidity of his ideas, approaches, and materials makes the most primitive of critical acts - that of labeling - a fleeting and not terribly potent practice"

- Kathy Halbreich's essay, Social Life, on Bruce Nauman


January 27, 2017

"404 (Page Not Found) Error" 



January 7, 2017

"We must consider speech before it is spoken"  

- Merleau-Ponty


January 1, 2017

tied to a type
fixed with a knot
call me by name
and I'll show you my gift
with a bow
and a vowel

what I am (called)
will holditalltogether


April 23, 2015

corners of the mind > mindful > mining place

>an implosion of extroversion<

that close relationship we know from inside <to> outside
the meeting place called skin.